HOW TO begin?

Simply close your eyes, and listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice. If you hear any  other voices, that other people do not, it is worrisome...Pick the destination. Somehow deep down there you already know where you want to go, don't you?  Sound oversimplified? Life is damn simple. Only people make it complicated. Book your tickets today. If you wait till tomorrow, your brain will find an excuse not to go on the adventure of your lifetime. I can bet!  Remember: desires shall be satisified immediately, especially the ones including adventures, overnight flights with free drinks, hot flight attendants and pilots, cramped toilets and exotic destinations.

what about fear?

Feeling fear is human.  Face it. Fight it. Conquer it. This might include diarrhea, abdominal pains, stress overwhelming your body and the feeling of confusion and disorientation. But you know what? This is damn good. You are a human being, and you have a right to fear and piss/shit your pants or sometimes do both simultaneously. Do not feel ashamed of it. Feel ashamed when the fear stops you from living and experiencing. So travel, travel solo. Do not wait for friends. They are busy with their own lives and dreams. Travel to unexplored lands. Meet and talk to locals. It is all pretty scary. I have been there but I guarantee you - totally worth it. Or you rather prefer to live & die with regrets? That is the only alternative you have. PS. You are not too old. Stop this.

But you have kids?

Now it is hight time to be honest. If you have small kids, you are fucked. I really mean it. You are really fucked but you can still choose to show them the real world. Travel with kids. Do not postpone their education and do not put off your dreams. Ok. But you will say, what about money? You are an adult. You have choices in your life. Choose wisely what you spend your money on.  Invest in things and people that matter. Worried about their safety? I guarantee you, those little noisy creatures will be fine. If you have already endured years of torment and abuse of your sweet little kids, and all those long  days filled with dirty diapers, unsleepless nights are over & your offspring is now  eligible to work under the law of you country?  That is good.  Now they can pay for their own adventures and yours.