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Stretching lines of green trees decorated with intense orange and lemon rounded, fleshy fruits ripening in the warmth of the Spanish sunlight. Passing through the tranquil soulful hill towns hidden among the remote Mallorcan mountains has never been so satisfying. The colours are so saturated. Cannot enjoy enough a little face warm-numbing, invigorating air. It is all so fresh and it all looks so impossible, unbelievable. It is just a mid of February and this is probably the best escape from the reality, greyness, cold and monotony that have done for a very long time. Must admit, underrated this land at first. Need to beat my breast and hang my head now. I was so wrong.


northern mallorca - CAP DE FoRMENTOR & POLLENCA

Cap de Formentor is majestic, mesmerizing, blissfully calm. It is a truly scenic route through the most northerly point of the island, 20 km long peninsula, called the “meeting point of the winds”. The end of the land is crowned with a 22 m lighthouse “Majorcan Finisterre”. Cap de Formentor retains its spectacular beauty due to its out-of-the-way location. The road leading to the lighthouse is a winding and rather complicated drive.

The best thing to do is drive the 20 km from Port de Pollença at a leisurely pace, stopping at as many viewpoints as possible. Expect razor-edge cliffs, wild goats, falcons and lines of dripping with sweat mountain cyclists holding and exposing their muscular bodies in very tight shorts. What a view! You simply cannot take your eyes off all the seductive wonders of the nature.

Speaking of seduction and temptation of the earthy life it is probaly good time now to head to Pollença - pilgrimage town where in a tiny church, the Calvario Chapel, located at the top of the town, you can kneel and make a full confession and ask for absolution. Flanked by cypress trees on both sides, the challenge to get to the chapel is to take 365 steps. Fitness and penance in one - completed.


Quiet, bright, warm winter day. There is no better time to hit this spectacularly serpentine road. This is definitely not for fain-hearted as the road is a real adventure in itself. You can reach it by car or bus (an hour-long) along the extremely difficult harpins that twists down through the Sierra de Tramuntana mountains. Good news - This road is also filled with the mountain bikers. Bad news - You might need to go back to Calvario Chapel and say a little prayer. If you come in summer, it is highly unlikely you will be alone as it gets very touristy. Sa Calobra is a charming set of two beaches which are divided by the Torrent de Pareis (River Gorge). It is a truly special spot accessed on land by a footpath stretching nearly 1 km and via a narrow tunnel, making it one of the most unique and remote beaches on the island.

a winter in VALLDEMOSsA

The tiny and isolated village nestled in the Tramuntana mountains was a source of inspiration for Polish composer Frederic Chopin and his lover - French writer George Sand. They spent the winter of “disconnect” here in 1838-39 in a rented room in the Monastery. They did not particularly enjoy the stay. However, nobody seems to care about it nowadays. It has been long time but Valldemossa still reap the benefit of that visit and carefully hides the impression left in their famous guests ignoring the insignificant details and hosts the annual Chopin Festival every August. Valdemossa is located around 15-20 min drive from Palma de Mallorca. Just stroll the charming cobbled streets lined with boutiques, bars, restaurants offering the great dining and shopping experience and soak up the atmosphere. The Valldemossa’s street market take place every Sunday. It is a great place to source the local quality products.

DEIA & FORNALUTX - the most beautiful towns in mallorca

Honey-coloured houses stacked up on the steep hilltops flanked by the citrus, olive and palm trees. Deia is a truly fairly-tale like village. It is one of the pretties villages of the island if not the prettiest. It is not surprising then that figures like Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Kate Moss, Beyonce, the list continues on like an Oscar roll call, have spent some time in Deia, away from the intrusive interest of mortals and glare of the paparazzi. Just wandering the narrow cobbled streets and seeing historic walls, mountainous backdrop and surrounded nature in full bloom is a real joy overflowing the heart and soul. Deià is just so aesthetically and spiritually pleasing you can’t help but fall in love with it.

Fornalutx often referred as the “Pretties village in Spain” is an authentic tiny village nestled high up the Tramuntana mountains. Simply wander among the stone buildings decorated with 14th -19th centuries red-tiled roofs, green shuttered windows, flower boxes and pots, well-maintained gardens and the flourishing citrus and orange groves. Start from Plaza de España Square. It is the heart of the town scattered with some terraces where you can have a coffee, drink sangria or grab a bite in a relaxed environment. You will not be disappointed.