Somehow not in Paris but in the overlooked bewitching Mirabelle Plum town in Lorraine region of northeast France, that borders Germany and Luxembourg, is where my heart smiles and the eyes twinkle. With its picturesque riverside, cobblestone lanes, magnificent Gothic cathedral, and plentiful of green space and atmospheric little restaurants, cafés and bars which at the dusk, fill to the brim, it is impossible to question the omnipresent magic of this place. You can feel the beating heart of France in Metz more than anywhere else.

THE flavors of lorraine - metz

Your taste buds will be pampered by the distinctive flavor of french cuisine. Famous all over the world - the quiche lorraine (bacon, cream and eggs, on top of shortcrust or flaky pastry) was created right here. Over 70% of the world's mirabelles come from this region. You might want to taste the local mirabelle plum beer or cool down with mirabelle plum flavour ice-creams when visiting.

Your ears will be spellbound by the stories passed down through generations. According to legend, in the 3rd century, in the old arena of the Roman amphiteater it lived the monstrous dragon (grouilly) but he city was saved by Saint-Clement. Just look around and look for signs. Your pupils will dilate at the sight of the impressive reality.

Strolling through this unique town it would not go unnoticed that almost at every single street, there are little boulangerie, where the shelves are breaking from the amount of what French cannot imagine their lives. You can smell the butter of the freshly baked croissants and the tantalizing waft of baguettes and for approximately 1 euro taste different flavors and fillings of heaven.

Recommended Restaurants, COFFEE SHOPS & Bars in Metz:

must see sights and activities IN METZ

Saint Étienne Cathedral of Metz is definitely a breath-taking symbol of the city. In some way resembles the spiritual atmosphere of the Notre-Dame Catherdral in Paris itself. But probably the most recognizable landmark of the town is the Temple Neuf. The church is stunningly located on the Moselle river island and the it’s surrounded by a enchanting park called Jardin d’Amour (Garden of Love). The perfect place for a moment of blissful relaxation and a little stroll. Because who would not like to slow down sometimes? You can rent also a kayak or pedal boat and spend your day in a bit active way. If you are a fan of Modern Art, you will probably want to head to the Centre Pompidou to feed the cultural appetite.

However, it is highly likely that your first encounter with this vibrant french town will start by setting your feet at the Gare Centrale de Metz. This is not an ordinary train station. The Neoromanesque building of the train station in Metz erected at the beginning of XX century, the award winning architectural project ‘Lumiere et Air’ of German architect Jürgen Kröger, is where the passangers are patiently waiting for the trains and improvising on the piano placed in the central hall and where you can breathe in the smoky and strange atmosphere of this rare place.

Pss. It is extremely easy to get to Metz: from Paris by TGV train it takes only 1.20 h, from Luxembourg only 50 min.

The historic town squares - Place Saint Luois that dates back to the Middle Ages, wth its atmospheric arcades and renaissance houses, or Place Saint-Jacques is where you can order a glass of french wine and enjoy a tranquil evening meal and soak into the old-world french charm.


For the last few years during the summer season, through the Fesival of Constellations de Metz (free and open to everyone) the city transforms itself into the capital of digital art.

Constellations de Metz enables you to immerse in the city’s art, history and urban landscape, and let you interpret Metz through the eyes of artists.

The heart of the festival is the Pierres Numériques – Digital Stones – night-time trail, consisting of various artistic and digital installations, with particularly impressive mapping installation on the Saint-Étienne Cathedral (every Thursday-Friday-Saturday through end of June to the beginning of September).

The festival features numerous concerts, performances and shows, including the breath-taking Dancing Fountain Show (every Friday-Saturday-Sunday - through end of June to the beginning of September) which simply leave you speechless. Who would have thought that France is not just Paris?