City of Lights


Each year around 8th December artists and approx. 3 million of visitors from all over the world come to Lyon – the capital city of french cuisine and for our nights the city lights up and transforms into a magical show where the historic buildings, streets, squares and parks are the background of the spectacular display of lights and colours.

The festival of lights has been an integral part of the city since 1852 when the residents of Lyon placed candles in coloured glasses on their window sills to celebrate the installation of a statue of the Virgin Mary on the Fourvière Hill. Even today, the tradition is still cultivated but the city with its appox. 20 million EUR budget for the La Fête and the assistance of the best world class artists, film-makers, designers, plastic artists and lighting technicians, makes it a memorable fest for the eyes and some sort of an extra-terrestrial fairy tale experience worth awaiting the remaining 361 days.

When in Lyon, not only spoil your eyes with the sights but indulge yourself and taste the traditional Lyonnais cuisine and visit one of its “bouchons”. Among the more distinctive Lyonnais specialties are “Andouillettes” (a type of sausage made from tripe), “Coq au vin,” “foie gras,” and “Lyonnaise potatoes” (pan-fried sliced potatoes). Grand Café des Negotiants – a brasserie and dessert place with rich and colourful décor and Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse (AOC) should be definitely added to your must-see places.